The Specialized Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital “Dr Organdziski” has opened – the first in Eastern Macedonia

On January 29, 2023, the eastern region received the new Specialized Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Dr Organdziski”. The ceremonial opening marked the beginning of the work of the Hospital and Shtip justified the epithet – the center of Eastern Macedonia. After 31 years, “Dr. Organdziski” has grown into a brand recognizable throughout Macedonia and much beyond.

The act of consecration was officiated by His Beatitude, the Head of the MOC – Ohrid Archdiocese, the Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, Mr. Mr. Stefan, in the presence of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of the Bregalnički region, Mr. Hilarion, and numerous present guests.

All the work permits, construction permits and highest standards were met.

The new hospital is on 5000m2 grounds, with 2200m2 used space for the hospital building.

Today’s new hospital has:

  • a 230 м2 waiting room,
  • a diagnostics center,
  • an up-to-date biochemical laboratory,
  • an IVF center,
  • a neonatology department with a newborn ICU unit,
  • maternal ward with modern delivery rooms,
  • a surgical unit with two ORs
  • a sterilization area.

In our new hospital we offer the most modern methods of:

  • laparoscopic and hysteroscopic interventions;
  • a normal childbirth and a C-section delivery option;
  • open surgery and other services.

The construction work lasted a year and 7 months, and the hospital is a Macedonian investment, 100% Macedonian capital.

Opening the new hospital is the crowning moments of the long and hard work starting with the first private OB/GYN practice, “Dr. Organdziski”, which began receiving patients on September 21, 1992, on the Hail Mary holiday.

More than 31 years of experience, hard work, countless success stories and noted results, as well as a trend to hire the highly qualified experts as the hospital staff.

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