A menstrual cycle bleeding, lasting up to 7 days, is considered having a normal period. The bleeding could be flowy or, occasionally, as curdled up blood, and it could lead to fatigue, weakness, paleness of your skin and mucous and low blood pressure. If it is prolonged, we would distinguish between cyclical and a-cyclical uterine hemorrhage.
Cyclical bleeding occurs during the menstrual period, while the a-cyclical hemorrhage could happen at any time and could last for weeks, even months. The basic reasons for cyclical bleeding are: myoma, endometriosis, uterine inflammations, blood diseases that could cause blood clotting. The basic reasons for a-cyclical bleeding are: hyperplasia, endometrium polyps, hormonal disbalance (low levels of progesterone and high levels of estrogen), out-of-uterus pregnancy or carcinoma of the endometrium of cervix.
The treatment depends on the cause of the bleeding. It is individual for every woman and it solely depends on the source of the bleed.
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