Abortus or miscarriage is a termination of the pregnancy. Arguments for the abortion are based on the stand that the woman should have control over her body and the power to make her own decisions, because she is the most affected by the reproduction process and she should choose. The right to choose is meaningful both individually and politically and it means more than just a fight for equal rights. Abortus can be intentional or spontaneous. Spontaneous abortion has similarities to giving birth and there are rare complications. Usually, when we say abortus, we are thinking about the intentional abortus arteficialis, to terminate pregnancy. Induced abortus is a very sensitive subject and there are many problems that cannot be ignored. It is a known fact that the number of abortus done are higher and higher and that many private clinics do not even repost them. The decision whether to give birth or not is a difficult one to make and either way you decide, your life could change drastically, so careful consideration should be done about what is the most important for you and your family.
Today, any pregnant, adult woman has the right to choose abortus. The request is submitted to an OB/GYN clinic or hospital, alongside with a document that states that the pregnancy is prior to week 10 and that the termination would not endanger the woman’s health. Abbiding by the Law for terminated pregnancy, the abortus is done by an expert doctor and at a clinic that meets the required medical standards and equipment. Other than a specialist in a hospital, spontaneous abortus could be finished off at a medical facility by any M.D., but only if the baby or the mum’s life are at stake.
If pregnancy is past week 10, there should be a medical committee meeting to decide whether an abortus should be done. After week 10, a pregnancy can be approved for termination only if there are indications such as:
Every medical intervention, even abortus, carries a certain risk of complications. How often they would be is affected by many factors: The woman’s age, her health condition, the duration of the pregnancy, the method used, the anesthesia, additional surgeries, the expertise of the doctor, the hygienic conditions etc. The risks and possible complications from an abortus in the first trimester are very low. The further ahead the pregnancy has progressed, the higher the risk of complications after the abortus. Infections are the most common, all the other complications are very rare. Complications after an abortus can be divided into 2 groups – early and late.
The vast majority of women have their abortus around week 10. This is the period allowed by the law. After this period the decision is made by a medical committee if there are indications to terminate the pregnancy. Abortus done prior to week 10 is easier, safer and cheaper than those after week 10.
How do women feel after the abortion?
Most women feel a sense of relief, but the hormonal changes could cause grief, anger, guilt. Serious, longer-lasting emotional problems after an abortus are rare and unusual, unlike after childbirth. These would appear in these cases:
No, there is no scientific poof that a properly done abortion would affect the next pregnancy, or cause ectopic pregnancy or premature birth or stillborn children in the future.
Terminating the pregnancy prior to week 28 and when the fetus is less than 1000gr and unable to survive. The most common causes are:
Types of spontaneous abortions:
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