HYSTEROSCOPIC SCRATCHING – an intervention that increases the percentage of embryo implantation, usually performed for patients who have has at least one unsuccessful IVF treatment.
Endometrium scratching is a procedure which has been proved to increase the chances in an IVF process. It’s a pretty simple procedure, minimally invasive, short and painless. It is recommended to be performed at least 1 or 2 cycles before the embryo transfer. If done prior to that, the endometrium will have time to heal and it will not have the desired effect. The endometrium is the thin inner lining of the womb. In order to conceive, the embryo must attach itself to the endometrium. Failure to implant in the endometrium is considered the primary factor for infertility and it’s attributed to uterine lack of susceptibility.
During an IVF treatment, ovarian stimulation and medication can cause change to the womb and reduce its susceptibility to the embryos. Although we still don’t know how or why, but scratching has been proven to change the structure of the uterus and to improve the susceptibility of the womb to the embryos. It is considered to provoke the womb to regenerate and synchronize with the development of the embryos.
The procedure itself means scratching or slightly distressing the endometrium of the uterus with the Novak probe or a very small curette before the planned embryo transfer in order improve circulation in the endometrium and implantation of the embryo. The ‘hurt’ place has enriched blood circulation so the embryo would choose this place to nest and feed.
Endometrium scratching is done only after negative microbiological swabs to rule our possible vaginal or cervical infection and after a detailed Betadine cleaning. This is done to prevent spreading disease to the upper reproductive organs, uterine perforation, damage to the surrounding organs, bladder, intestines etc. After the procedure there could be discomfort, pain and cramping. There could also be slight bleeding but it would subside very quickly and the woman can swiftly return to her normal daily life.
Endometrium scratching is recommended to women who have problems getting pregnant, who have had several unsuccessful IVF treatments and when high quality embryos fail to implant without apparent cause for the failure. There are studies to suggest that scratching doubles the chances for pregnancy, but there is no convincing scientific proof for it.
This procedure isn’t limited, it can be done as many times as needed to achieve success.
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