Др.Јордан Манасиевски

Jordan Manasievski

Д-р, спец. педијатар-неонатолог

Specialist in pediatrics and neonatology 
Medical expert in:
  • Pediatrics
  • Neonatology

Dr. Jordan Manasievski has experience in the European clinics in Germany, Serbia, Slovenia. He has worked in the department of neonatology in München, Germany and in the state-owned department in Garmisch – Partenkirchen.

In the recent two years and four months he has worked in Maribor, Slovenia. After graduating high school, he studied medicine in Skopje, but got his BA at the University in Belgrade. Since he was one of the best students, he was asked to work at the Children’s hospital in Belgrade, and afterwards in Prishtina. He quickly completed his specialization with honors in 1991, specializing in pediatrics and then subspecialized in neonatology in 1998. He got his MA in Kraguevac in 2004 and his Ph.D. in neonatology at the University of Ljubljana. He got additional professional development in Slovenia and Italy.

We are very proud that he is a member of our team, making this hospital one of the leading gynecology and neonatology centers in Macedonia and abroad.

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