Tatjana Paneva is a graduated obstetrician. She has worked at: PZU “Gyneco Philips 2” in Sveti Nikole; PZU “Dr. Lenche Janeva” in Sveti Nikole; Emergency medical assistance at the “Prim. Dr. Gjorgi Gavrilski” in Sveti Nikole; Specialized hospital for gynecology and obstetrics “Mother Teresa” in Chair – Skopje.
She has acquired a certificate for “First aid and protection at work”; a “School for Young Leaders” certificate; a letter of thanks for participating in an international camp for youth activism; She has been a participant of international scouts’ gatherings as a volunteer -medical practitioner and she has participated in “Red Cross” projects. She was a member of the team for the organization of the event “First aid and protection competition”.
She has participated in the youth conference “Inclusivity”. Secretary of the, “Goce Delchev” Scouts’ unit; Project coordinator for the “Red Cross” of RSM.
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