Biopsy via an endocervical curettage of the cervix

Endocervical curettage

  • Endocervical curettage allows us to take samples od the endocervical canal to evaluate the pathological processes in the cervix.
  • Usually, we would do the endocervical curettage alongside cervical biopsy if we have indications or suspicions for pathological changes (carcinoma) after an OB/GYN examination of a patient who has never been swabbed for a PAP test or hasn’t had one in a long time or who have a positive PAP test with histopathologic indications for cancer.
  • Also, we would do the endocervical curettage alongside cervical biopsy if we have a positive PAP test with CIN I, CIN II, CIN III or Carcinoma in situ cervicis uteri results.
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