Anatomy of the female genitalia

Female genitalia include the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and the ovaries. They are located in the pelvic area, between the rectum and the bladder.

The ovaries have 2 basic functions:

  1. To produce hormones – estrogen and progesterone
  2. To ovulate – to produce and release egg cells on a monthly base

The hormones produced in the ovaries regulate the ovulation and prepare the womb for pregnancy.  Then an egg cell is released from the follicle in the ovaries, it travels down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. If it’s fertilized along the way, it would nest in the womb, if not, it would leave the womb during the menstrual cycle.

Diagnostics and treatment of cervical pathology

The lowest part of the uterus is called a cervix or the throat of the womb, that open into the vagina, between the bladder and the colon. During unprotected intercourse, the cervix comes in touch with semen, so it is very vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Some of these diseases can cause cervical cancer. Cervical cancer has a few precancerous stages: ASCUS, CIN-1, CIN-2, CIN-3, CIS, but it is detected in time, it can be cured successfully. During colposcopy, the doctor uses a microscope called colposcope to see any and every change to the cervical tissue (magnified) and collect samples for the tissue on the outside and the inside of the cervices, via a special brush for the so-called PAP test. The sample material is then spread on glass and it is examined closely by a pathologist, who might be able to identify bacterial or viral infections, precancerous states or cervical cancer. The sooner the cellular abnormalities around the cervix are detected, the more successful the treatment would be.

If the colposcopy examination and the PAP test show abnormalities, we could perform one of the following interventions: a biopsy, coning, laser treatment, conservative treatment. It would greatly depend on whether the patient has finished the reproductive cycle or not.

If you have regular check-ups, there is NO risk for cervical cancer!

HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) and the risk for cervical cancer

HPV is a viral infection and it is a sexually transmitted disease. The main means of spreading it is unprotected sexual intercourse. Both partners would be infected, so you have to have that in mind for treatment. Having in mind that there are cases of HPV in girls who are virgointacta (have never had intercourse), we know that HPV is not solely transmitted through having unprotected sex, but unsafe intercourse remains the leading cause for spreading HPV.  It can also be contracted by getting in touch with infected skin and mucous. The HPV infection mostly affects the genitalia, but it can be found in the oral cavity, the throat and even eyes. The number of people infected with HPV is constantly growing both in our country and worldwide. Unfortunately, the biggest expansion of HPV infections is with population aged 12-20. Even though we do not have precise numbers, our experience in the field and via cooperation with season colleagues, we can state that the number of HPV infected patients has grown 2-3 times. Modern diagnostical equipment, available in our country, makes it easy to detect HPV.

Which group is most likely to be infected with HPV?

 As we already mentioned, the population aged 12-20 is mostly infected with HPV. This is due to the willful, unprotected intercourse, one-night stands and having sex with multiple partners. Living in the time we live in, with easily accessible pornography both on the internet and on TV greatly contribute to this.

How long after the infection would the symptoms appear?

It usually takes around 90 days after the unprotected intercourse. This is a clear warning that since the first time od sexual interaction, there is a possibility of HPV infection as well as STDs.  Thus, we recommend having regular gynecological check-ups starting with 3 to 6 months after the first intercourse.

How long after the infection would the symptoms appear?

Нажалост најголемиот број на мажи и жени, посебно младата популација на возраст од 12 до 20 год. немaат никакви симптоми и воопшто незнаат дека се инфицирани со ХПВ вирус. Тоа значи непостојат карактеристични симптоми во почетниот период. Токму во тој временски период е најдобро да се посети својот гинеколог кога вирусот многу полесно се дијагоностицира и лекува. Со времето како напредува болеста паѓа имунитетот и следи дополнителна инфекција со други бактерии како што се chlamidia, micoplazma, ureaplazma, candida и слично, со што се отвара пат за продор на инфекцијата во јајцеводите и јајниците што води до оштетување на овие органи и појава подоцна на брачна неплодност. Последиците во моментот се невидливи и тоа ќе дојде до израз при влегувањето во брак и желбата за мајчинство. Со навременото откривање и лекување на ХПВ инфекцијата се елиминира и ризикот од компликации како и воспалението на јајцеводите, а тоа всушност е и превенција на брачната неплодност.

What are genital warts?

Genital warts, or in other terms, condyloma, usually appear on the external genitalia of the female patients, around the anus, vagina or cervix. In cases of male patients, the condyloma are likely to appear on the penis. Genital warts are a clear sign of HPV infection (type 6 or 11).

These are the so-called low risk infections and they are harmless in most cases. There are various methods to treat them. The smaller ones could be treated by applying medication or ointments, while the bigger or more aggressive ones could be treated with laser, electrocoagulation, liquid nitrogen removal or surgical removal.

How do we diagnose the HPV infection?

ХПВ се дијагностицира со комплетен гинеколошки преглед кои се состои од:

  • Колпоскопија – представува преглед со специјален микроскоп на надворешните полни органи, на вагината, вратот на материцата како и преглед на пенисот на мажот.
  • Папаниколау тест – популарно познат како ПАП тест- преставува земање на брис со четкица од вратот и каналчето на материцата за откривање на ХПВ инфекција и евентуални ЦИН-промени.
  • Специјален брис за детекција и типизација на ХПВ инвекција.
  • Од 150 типови на ХПВ, досега се идентификувани повеќе од 80 типови и се нумерирани со броеви. Поделени се во 3 групи.
  • Високо ризични – 16, 18, 45, 56, 58Средно ризични – 31, 33, 35, 51, 52Ниско ризични – 6, 11, 42, 43, 44

Најважната информација што е посебно важна е таа дека ХПВ инфекцијата со високо ризичните типови неоткриена и нелекувана правовремено може да доведе до појава на рак на грлот на материцата. Иако знаеме дека брадавиците ги предизвикуваат ниско ризични ХПВ вируси, сепак несмее да се заборави дека често и високоризичните типови можат да се манифестираат со појава на брадавици.

Што е тоа ЦИН 1, ЦИН 2 или ЦИН 3

HPV is diagnoses during a complete gynecological examination consisting of:

  • Colposcopy – an examination via a special microscope to look at the external genitalia, the vagina, the cervix and even the penis.
  • Papa-Nikolaou test- also known as PAP test – swabbing the cervix with a brush to discover HPV or possible CIN changes
  • A special HPV type swab test
  • There are more than 150 types of the HPV virus, more than 80 of which are registered and numbered. They are divided in 3 groups: High risk HPV 16, 18, 45, 56, 58; Moderate risk – 31, 33, 35, 51, 52; Low risk HPV – 6, 11, 42, 43, 44;

The most important thing to remember is that the high-risk HPV types, if not treated on time, can lead to cervical cancer. The presence of warts is a sign of the low-risk HPV, but it does not exclude the high-risk HPV types.

HPV in male patients

The HPV infection is usually invisible with male patients with no symptoms present to alert them of the infection. In a small number of cases, there could be similar manifestations as in female patients, for example, condyloma could appear. The male counterpart to the CIN1, CIN2, CIN 3 is PIN1, PIN2, PIN3. So, warts on the penis are a sign of PIN 1 HPV infection. The diagnostics process is similar to the check-ups for female patients. We would take swab samples to detect HPV and its type. We would do scope exam with the colposcopy instrument. All these examinations are pain free and easy. The treatment is similar to the treatment of female patients with the HPV disease.

Is there a vaccine for HPV?

Yes, there is. It is called Gardasil and it is already approved and in use in the USA and the EU. It is recommended for female patients aged 9-26 and it would protect then against HPV type 6,11, 16 and 18, which are the most common types and can cause cervical cancer. We hope to obtain this vaccine in our country as well.

How to protect ourselves against HPV?

  • By giving up shame and ignorance as they are the main causes for STDs
  • By refusing to have unprotected intercourse (without a condom)
  • By insisting that your partner uses a condom during oral sexual activity too
  • By paying attention to hygiene, washing up frequently and never borrowing other people’s underwear or towels
  • By having the first OB/GYN check-up around 3-6 months after the first intercourse
  • By seeing your doctor after the first signs of itching or strong odor of the vaginal discharge
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