Gynecological / ultrasound check-up

Ultrasound vaginal probe

We often use a vaginal ultrasound probe to do a gynecological examination. For this check-up your bladder should be empty and you should be prepared as for a regular OB/GYN check-up. The probe is inserted into the vagina, protected by a preservative. The process is not painful or uncomfortable and, depending on the findings, it could last from 5-10 minutes.

 In case you haven’t had intercourse yet (intacta) or this vaginal probe doesn’t show a clear image, we could perform the ultrasound check-up through the abdominal wall, but for this check-up you would have to have a full bladder i.e. you should drink 1-1.5l of water about an hour prior to the examination.

Ultrasound mammography

   The “Dr. Organdziski” hospital has the most up-to-date equipment for breast cancer detection- ultrasound mammography with elastography for early and timely detection of this disease. Anyone can face breast disease issues. But the good news is that thanx to increased awareness, a lot of women nowadays make the preventive check-ups regularly and get diagnosed early on. Here is what is recommended: have an echo check-up once a year and a mammography examination every 2 years if you are over 40 years of age and/or if anyone in your family has had breast cancer. But for these patients and all the other patients, regardless of age – if you have any symptoms whatsoever – have an echo check-up immediately!

   The health of your breasts is important and early detection is the key to a healthier future. The “Dr. Organdziski” hospital offers the most modern services for an echo check-up of the breast! Whether you have to do a routine check-up or you have concerns about a condition regarding your breasts, our advanced technology and experienced staff are here for you! We are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of care and comfort.

Why should you choose us for the breast echo check-up?

  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Experienced staff
  • Precise results
    Do not wait! Schedule your breast echo check-up with us and embark on a journey to a healthier future!
    Breast cancer is a malignant disease. The risk for breast cancer is significantly higher in female patients which run the risk of having it as a hereditary condition (her mother or another close family member on her mother’s side has had it).
  • To detect any change in the breast, first and foremost you should know what is normal in terms of the look and consistency of the breasts. If you notice any change, any abnormality or any alteration in the look, the structure, the consistency, the symmetry of the breasts, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, without delays or thinking that the changes would subside.

Women should pay special attention to:

  • Nodules or hard mass in the breasts – nodules and small lumps should not cause pain
  • Armpit swelling
  • Visible flatness or indentation on the breast, that could indicate a tumor that cannot be palpated or seen
  •  Any change on the skin, in terms of contours, temperature, reddish hue or the so-called ‘orange peel’ surface
  • Changes in the nipple, protruded or indented, itching or a burning sensation, festering or flaking of the nipple
  • Unusual discharge from the nipple that can be clear, bloody or tinted, which could be an indication of cancer or other breast condition

Regular self-examinations and systematic ultrasound check-ups significantly reduce the breast cancer death rate.

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