In Vitro Fertilization

In our hospital there is an IVF unit that will help couples which are experiencing issues with their reproduction. All these years we are dedicated to the conception issues, , having reached our peek of success combating sterility and opening the IVF unit in 2009. In our IVF laboratory, we implement all the latest and most modern technologies in the bio-medicinal assisted fertilization, technologies and methods used in world renowned clinics. A highly experienced and specialized medical team will be working with you in order to achieve your goal and have your own child.

The IVF procedure has 6 phases:

  1. Ovarian suppression
  2. Ovarian stimulation
  3. Aspiration of the egg cells
  4. Fertilization of the egg cells
  5. Embryo transfer
  6. Pregnancy test

Ovarian suppression

 The ovulation of the patient is controlled with medication called GnRH analogs. There are 2 types of these GnRH medication- agonists and antagonists. These medications prevent the release of the egg cells too early in the procedure. Thus, this phase is called follicular suppression. This medication can be administered as a nasal spray, intramuscularly or as sub-cutaneal injections. Rare side-effects that may occur are headaches, heat waves, vaginal dryness, mood swings, redness etc. These side-effects are short-term and temporary.

Follicular stimulation

 In order to increase the chances for pregnancy, medication for ovarian stimulation is used aiming to obtain more follicles i.e. more egg cells, much more than in a normal cycle.  The side-effects that might appear are redness, slight pain, fatigue, breast sensitivity, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ovarian cysts and pelvic pain.

The ovarian stimulation injections are administered for 7-10 days. During this period, you should visit the IVF center more often so as to follow the growth of the follicles and the reproductive hormones in the blood. During these check-ups we could see fit to vary the dosage of the medication. When the follicles have grown sufficiently, an injection is given to define the growth of the follicles. Once this stop injection is administered, we would start the aspiration of the egg cells process so as to precede the normal ovulation process which would occur around 40 hours after the stop injection.

Egg cell aspiration

This procedure is usually done within 34-37 hours after the stop injection. It is of utmost importance to have this procedure done prior to the normal ovulation process has started. During the aspiration process a short-effect anesthesia would be administered. The mature egg cells are sucked out with a specially designed suction needle, guided by an ultrasonic probe. The needle passed through the vagina and reaches an ovary in order to start the egg cell aspiration. After this punction, you could experience dull pain similar to the pain during your period. You would remain in a room designated for you in our IVF center where you would be monitored for a few hours and you would be given further instructions.

Egg cell fertilization

 In an In Vitro laboratory, the egg cells are mixed with you husband’s spermatozoids and we would check how many of them have been fertilized the very next day. These fertilized eggs are called pre-embryos and our team would monitor if they continue dividing and multiplying as planned. When the embryos have reached the desired growth rate, they should be transferred into the womb.

Embryo transfer

This is a very short but vital procedure. Prior to the embryo transfer we agree on the number of embryos that will be transferred into your womb. For this procedure a catheter is temporarily inserted through the vagina, the cervix into the womb itself and this very catheter is used to deposit the embryos in the correct area. This procedure is completely painless. After the embryo transfer, you would remain in the room for an hour for observation. Then you could leave the IVF center but you would be advised to relax and rest for the remainder of that day.

A pregnancy test

Two weeks after the embryo transfer you should come to our IVF center to do a β-hCG in the blood pregnancy test. If you are unable to come to our hospital, you could do a regular (urine) pregnancy test, but not prior to those 15 days because those tests are less sensitive and less accurate.


 Sadly, neither conception nor a full-term pregnancy can be guaranteed with the IVF procedure. There are numerous reasons why the IVF could not be successful. Some of those reasons for failure could be:

  • It could be impossible to get usable egg cells because the follicles might not produce mature egg cells during the stimulation process or ovulation could occur prior to the punction or it could be impossible to aspire the egg cells due to scarring or inflammation to the tissue.
  • The aspired egg cells could be abnormal.
  • There could not be enough spermatozoids to fertilize the egg cells
  • The embryos could not be developing correctly or could not be developing at all. Embryos with abnormal growth are never transferred to the womb.
  • There could be complications during the embryo transfer or the transferred embryos could not embed or could stop developing correctly.
  • There could be complications during each and every phase of the procedure such as malfunctions, infections etc.
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