
Intrauterine insemination

  • Intrauterine insemination is a relatively simple procedure for fertilization during which the previously gathered spermatozoids from the male partner are inserted into the womb during the natural ovulation period, thus increasing the chances for fertilization and conception.
  • The female patient is stimulated with special medication in order to produce more egg cells. When stimulating medication is used, the patient should have frequent ultrasound checkups and the hormonal level in the blood should be monitored as well.
  • When the follicles reach a certain size, a stop injection is administered to induce ovulation. By the expected ovulation time, the sperm is processed in a specialized laboratory.
  • During this process the spermatozoids are separated from the sperm fluid and other components. This procedure lasts from 60-120 min.
  • The prepped sperm, containing only fastmoving spermatozoids is injected in the cervical canal or in the womb itself via a thin, soft catheter.
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