Our neonatology unit cares about the health and well being of the newborns by monitoring the growth and development of healthy babies, but also by diagnosing, treating and monitoring any sick newborns. We have the best team of pediatricians, neonatologists and highly trained nurses.

Our neonatologists perform primary reanimation on healthy and high-risk newborns. They also diagnose and treat cases with perinatal asphyxia, contagious diseases, respiratory conditions, hemolytic ailments in fetuses and newborns, electrolytes etc.  A screening for hypothyroidism and cystic fibrosis is done, as well as the first compulsory vaccinations in the neonatal period, except if the parents have given a written request to refuse the inoculation. The newborn is monitored via video surveillance system in our ward. The doctors give daily briefings to the parents about their offspring’s condition and answer any questions the parents might have. After you’ve been transferred to your room, you are in good condition and you want to be with your baby, it would be put in your room (should its condition allow it).

Our obstetricians in the postpartum zone will support your fist attempts to breastfeed, and, if necessary, aid in subsequent attempts as well. We recommend having the newborn in your room with you because it will stimulate its mental and physical development. Should you feel tired or wish to rest and distance yourself from it, the neonatal unit will nurture it and care for it until you wish to have it by your side again or to take it home with you.

While doing the rounds, all the newborns are gathered in the neonatology room, where they are checked-up or tested. After doing the necessary procedures, the hygiene and toiletries and the check-ups, the newborns are returned to the mums’ rooms.  Babies are bathed every afternoon, during which time you could be present to get instructions on bathing the baby at home. Should you wish to change the diapers in your room and by yourself, you will be instructed on how to do it and you will be given a full set of diapers and hygienic toiletries.

What happens to the baby after it’s born?

  • After a normal childbirth, the baby if left with the mum and about 2 hours after being born, both mother and baby are transferred to their room. To instigate the mother-offspring repour, it is recommended that the baby stays with the mum all the time until being discharged from the hospital, except for the morning rounds in the neonatology room.
  • After a C-section delivery – When the childbirth is via a Cesarean section, the neonatologist makes the initial examination of the newborn in the OR, after which examination, the obstetricians and doctors from the neonatology unit will take care of it until the mum is transferred to a room on the newborn ward. Right after the C-section delivery, the mum is transferred to the ICU (intensive care unit) until she has recovered from the anesthesia and the procedure and until she is ready to see her baby after a few more hours, and, if she is feeling up to it, to hug her baby and pull it to her bosom.


  •  Do not leave the baby alone on your bed, lest it falls!
  • Should you leave your room, do not carry the baby in your arms! Place it on its crib and take it with you in the crib.
  • Due to the fact that the few days after giving birth the new mum is prone to dizziness, tripping and stumbling, your baby would be in peril if you have it in your arms in those moments.
  • You do not need anything for the baby during the hospital stay, we use hospital-provided baby clothes, toiletries and diapers, bottles and pacifiers!
  • All you have to do is come with an empty bag and a heart full of love and trust! We will do everything to make that happen!

The pediatric package of services offered by the “Dr. Organdziski” hospital:

  • Timely, well organized and high-quality medical care is a priority for every family.
  • The pediatricians at the “Dr. Organdziski” hospital are pediatricians and parents as well, so they know exactly what kind of care is necessary for a child’s health.
  • We offer a package of pediatric consultations with tests and examination necessary for diagnostics, prevention and care for the child’s health.
  • 0-12 months package of services *
  • Monthly comprehensive pediatrics check-ups
  • Check-ups of the general conditions but also of the skin and mucous membranes
  • Check-ups of the nasopharynx/ throat, abdomen, excretory system, liver
  • Measuring the length / height, weight, chest circumference, head circumference, fontanelle
  • Temperature and pulse oximetry
  • Auscultation of the heart and lungs to determine the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory system
  • Monitoring and assessment of the physical and neuropsychological development and skills appropriate for the child’s age
  • Weight gain and diet control and giving advice on the type of diet and nourishment and feeding regime
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