This type of anesthesia is usually used during C-section delivery or when the childbirth is moving along at such a pace that it is considered that the epidural might not take effect on time. The spinal needles are thinner than the epidural ones and the medication dosage is lesser than for an epidural anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is administered once, it immediately takes effect, but the effect is limited (to up to 2h), which is why it is sometimes combined with an epidural. A Cesarean section delivery could be a mix of excitement and suspense. We are devoted to ensure your comfort and wellbeing at this special moment:
Spinal anesthesia allows you to be awake during the process of giving birth to your baby. This means you can witness the precious first moments and create a bond with your baby. Put your trust in us, we will provide the highest standards of care and support during your C-section delivery.
The main difference is that spinal anesthesia is only administered once, by injecting the medication directly into the spinal brain, whereas an epidural is administered on the outside of the spinal brain and can be taken in continuous doses. Also, spinal anesthesia has a rapid effect so it is the most common choice for an emergency C-section delivery, whereas it takes at least 20 min for the epidural to take effect. When it comes to dosage, the spinal has a stronger effect even with a lesser dose than the epidural, which requires higher concentrations of anesthetic.
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