Ultrasound mammography

Ultrasound mammography

  • Your breast health is important, and early detection is the key to a healthier future. Bolniva Dr. Organdziski offers state-of-the-art breast echo services!
  • Whether you need a routine exam or have concerns about your breast health, our advanced technology and experienced staff are here! We are committed to providing you with the highest quality care and comfort.
    Why choose us for your examination – ECHO of the breast?
  • State-of-the-art technology;
  • experienced staff;
  • accurate results.
  • Don’t wait! Schedule your breast ECHO appointment with us and embark on a journey to a healthier future!
  • Breast carcinoma is a malignant disease in women. The risk of the occurrence of this cancer is higher in women in whom there is a possibility that the disease is hereditary (if it has previously occurred in her mother or in a close member of the family on the maternal line).
  • To detect any change in the breast it is first necessary to know what is normal for the breast in terms of appearance and consistency. In this case, if we have the appearance of some abnormality and a change in the appearance, structure, consistency, symmetry of the breast, all this can be easily noticed and perceived. If you notice changes, you should immediately consult a doctor, in the shortest possible time, without delay, because the circulation will go away on its own.

Especially women should pay attention to:
– appearance of nodules, hard masses in the breasts – nodules in the breasts are usually painless,
– swelling under the armpits
– a visible flat or indentation in the breast, which may indicate a tumor that cannot be seen or felt
– any breast skin change in breast contour, composition or temperature, a reddish orange peel-like surface
– a change in the nipple, similar to an indented or puckered appearance, itching and burning, or pus or peeling of the nipple
– unusual discharge from the nipple that may be clear, bloody or another color usually caused by common disorders, but it is also possible as a result of cancer.
Regular self-examination and regular ultrasound examinations significantly reduce mortality from breast cancer.

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