Endometriosis is a medical condition where uterine lining is present even outside the uterus. Endometriosis is the third most common ‘female’ ailments after gynecological inflammation and myoma.
There are theories about the origins of the disease, but none of them is confirmed. Endometriosis can be internal and external. Internal endometriosis develops in the muscle tissue of the womb, where little cysts develop, causing painful and heavy menstrual bleeding and the uterus is swollen and painful to touch.
External endometriosis is most common in the reproductive age, usually between 25 and 35 years of age. The pain is constant and there is relentless discomfort in the lower abdomen due to lesions and adhesions. Endometriosis could affect the ovaries, where the so called ‘chocolate’ cysts can form. This causes sterility in most cases (inability to conceive a child). Diagnosing endometriosis is not an easy feat and detecting it could entangle methods such as colposcopy, ultrasound, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingography and hormonal check-ups.
Treatment is conservative – it could be treated with medications of surgically. We could prescribe medication that would suppress the hormones that stimulate the ovaries into a fake menopause. If the improvement after conservative treatment with medication is not sufficient, we would continue with a surgical intervention. Early detection of endometriosis elevates the chances to conceive.
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