
Our Ob/GYN department is a highly organized compact unit where you can have the most modern check-ups and examinations and treatments in one, single day:

  • Gynecological examinations and consultations
  • Colposcopy
  • Papa-Nikolaou (PAP) test
  • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) type and diagnostics
  • Microbiological swabs and testing
  •  5D- Samsung UGEO WS80A with Elite ultrasound check-ups
  • Earliest possible pregnancy diagnostics
  • Pregnancy control and fetal anomalies screening
  • Ultrasound mammography (breast echo check-up)
  • Reproductive hormones examinations
  • Sperm count test and testicular echo
  • Diagnostics and treatment of male and female sterility – insemination, clearing tubes (HSSG)
  •  Preparation for IVF (artificial fertilization)
  • Cervical pathology treatments – electro-coagulation, chemical and ultrasound coagulation
  •  Treating vaginal abscess
  • Treating sexually transmitted diseases
  • Treating condylomas
  • Fitting and removal of a spiral
  • Consultations on contraception

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