
Obstetrics is a discipline devoted to the pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynecology in a discipline names OB/GYN (obstetrics and gynecology), which is a surgical area of medicine.


Pregnancy and delivery

  • Early diagnostics and pregnancy monitoring
  • Ultrasound and biochemical screening for anomalies (PRISCA)
  • 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D ultrasound check-ups
  • 5D and color doppler ultrasound
  • Pre-delivery preparations
  • Diagnostics and high-risk pregnancy monitoring with the possibility for hospitalization
  • Prenatal invasive interventions (amniocentesis, chorion biopsy, cordocentesis, embryo reduction)
  • CTG – Cardiotocography
  • Childbirth (normal or spontaneous childbirth, spontaneous childbirth with administered epidural or spinal anesthetic, Cesarean section delivery) with the possibility of family-members-presence
  • 24 hours care for the mothers and the newborns

In order to be able to properly determine in which pregnancy week you are at a moment, it is very important to know the precise date of your last menstrual cycle. The first day of your previous period i.e. cycle is considered the first day of pregnancy, thus, the first day of the first week of pregnancy. Therefore, the weeks of your pregnancy are calculated in the following fashion:

  • Week 1: the first 7 days; from day 0+1 to 0+7 (week + day)
  • Week 2: the first day after week 1 and the following days: 1+1 to 1+7 (week + day)
  • Week 3: the first day after week 2 and the following days: 2+1 to 2+7 (week + day)
  • Week 4: the first day after week 3 and the following days: 3+1 to 3+7 (week + day)
  • Week 5: the first day after week 4 and the following days: 4+1 to 4+7 (week + day)
  • And so on until week 42: from 41+1 to 41+7 (week + day)

Why is it important to know which period of the pregnancy you are in?

To ensure a healthy growth and development of your baby from the very beginning of pregnancy and to take into account that you are pregnant. Knowing about the pregnancy, the pregnant patient would start creating healthier habits, adjusting the food intake and including supplements according to her state.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, it is vital for the pregnant patient to maintain a healthy level of folates (vitamin B9) in her body. The folic acid contributes to a normal synthesis of amino acids, the growth of the maternal tissue and normal blood production.  Additional intake of folic acid would increase the level of folates in her body. Having low levels of folates in the mother’s body can be a contributing factor for higher risk of fetal neural tube damage. We recommend taking active folates with active forms of vitamin B12.

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