The first quadruplets were conceived in Shtip

The first quadruplets in Macedonia and the Balkans were conceived in Shtip, thanks to prim. Dr. Vancho Organdziski. The pregnancy was achieved by biomedically assisted fertilization in our clinic.

An ultrasound scan 27 years ago showed four beautiful children, conceived at the clinic.

After 27 years, in the heart of the ,,Dr. Organdziski” Hospital lies a modern embryology laboratory – a sacred place where life comes into existence. It is the place where magic happens, and dreams of parenthood take their first breath.

The most crucial phase of the IVF program, which is the creation and initial days of our future little ones, is developed right in the laboratory of the “Dr. Organdziski” Hospital.

Such successful results are not achieved only by the quality of the equipment, media and consumables, our specialists are the ones who make all of this possible with their expertise.

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